Tuesday 8 March 2016

Big Mek Rekkcrasha's Workshop....

Big Mek Rekkcrasha:

Exiled from a Bad Moons Tribe by the Warboss for spending too many Teef on Fungus Beer and crashing his wagons into everything, (usually already wrecked vehicles), causing huge explosions and total destruction wherever he went earning the name "Rekkcrasha".

With his pockets full with Teef, due to knowing Bad Moon secrets and having the ability to put together battlefield scrap, turning it into fuel guzzling, smoke belching, high speed vehicles and huge, powerful weapons, crashing into everything whilst drunk has become a bit of a sport!

Whilst hopping from settlement to settlement, due to his reputation, Big Mek Rekkcrasha had attracted a huge following of disbanded Boyz, Meks, mobs of Lootas and Burna Boyz. He taught these underlings how to loot and steal everything that wasn’t nailed down.

Being the lucky Big Mek he was he came across an abandoned settlement, here he built his Meks Workshop and started to form his own Deffskulls Warband.

A bit about my hobby history:

I've been in and out of the table top war-games hobbies for about 15 or so years with a 2-3 year break, originally I started out collecting Space Marines and playing Ultramarines! Throughout the years I also collected and played other game formats, (Blood Bowl and Warhammer Fantasy), and other armies such as Necrons, Chaos Space Marines and of course Orks!

Since the release of the Ork Trukk and Battlewagon kits, I usually found myself spending my time building and converting. I have a huge amount of projects on the go and always a new idea for a conversion, in which I find myself acting upon before I've finished the previous project! Now and again I'll paint something, but more often I'm found assembling something.

Currently I still post on The Waaagh!!! but in the past I have posted my works in progress on various forums, often losing my logs due to different technical issues or something or other, hopefully this blog will act as a new and additional home to express my inner Mek!

Keep an eye out for future posts, where I will try to get this blog up to date.....

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